
Showing posts from July, 2010

HDR Photography; Supplemental Post - Photography with Imre - Episodes 25, 25A, and 26

Well there are supposed to be thunder storms later this afternoon so I better get writing! I prefer to unplug my computer from the wall outlet to ensure any electrical spikes won't fry the system, even though I do have a battery backup in place. The last storm a day ago made the lights flicker; first time in recent memory. I think I already said this, but I have to admit that I really enjoyed making these High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography episodes ( 25 , 25A , and 26 ); I'm especially glad that I added episode 25A , as that clip demonstrated quite nicely how the camera can be setup to capture the multiple exposures needed to create an HDR image. Remember, even if you're using a different camera than the Olympus E-3 (as seen in the video), most have similar functionality, so I suggest checking your manual in order to discover how you can adjust those settings as well or use such features. Now it is in those multiple exposures where the proverbial secret to creating gr...

HDR Photography, Part 2 - Photography with Imre - Episode 26

Awesome! I found enough time today to finish off some painting in the home, mow the lawn, and finish off part 2 of HDR Photography . I haven't had my food for this evening yet, so the supplemental blog post will have to wait for a couple of days. For the next episode, I'll either be doing a viewer request for macro photography or I'll be introducing Gray Ghost. Stay tuned! L8r!

HDR Photography, Part 1 - Addendum - Photography with Imre - Episode 25A

I thought I'd really quickly put together a video to demonstrate how I set my camera up when taking HDR photographs. Not only do I think it makes a good addition to episode 25 , but I also had a question about this. So hopefully this helps you out, and remember, most digital SLRs have similar functionality, so be sure to check out your manual to see how you can do this with your camera system. In my case, I was using my Olympus E-3. Once I'm done the Photoshop tutorial (part 2), I'll write up the supplemental post. L8r!

HDR Photography, Part 1 - Photography with Imre - Episode 25

Hey look! It's only three in the afternoon and I've just finished episode 25 on high dynamic range (HDR) photography . I've got a few thoughts to add to this episode, but duty calls so the supplemental post will have to wait another day or so. Nonetheless, enjoy the show! L8r.