
Showing posts from May, 2012

Solar Eclipse Time-lapse - Part 2

Finally made some time to complete part 2 of the solar eclipse time-lapse post. Let's get right into it, but first a quick warning message you all should read if you're not familiar with taking photos directly of the sun: Without proper solar filtration, there is a very real chance that you could cause serious and irreparable damage to your camera equipment, and more importantly serious or permanent eye damage such as blindness. If you do not feel comfortable with such photography, I do not recommend doing it... even what I did can be considered borderline (and I actually don't really recommend my method either), but I'll explain my actions below. Ok, now with that out of the way I'll start with a quick list of equipment used: - Olympus E-3 - 50-200mm Zuiko lens - 2X tele-converter - camera hand-held - Variable ND filter ... DIY type Nothing really stands out from the list above until you get to the last item, a do-it-yourself (DIY) variable ND filter. I

Solar Eclipse Time-lapse - Part 1

If it wasn't for my mother, I would have completely forgotten about the solar eclipse today! As it is I missed almost half of it! Arrrgggg!!! Oh well. At least I managed to capture the latter half with decent results, especially considering that there was some high altitude cloud cover with the occasional denser lower-level clouds that would almost completely obscure the sun. Now... seems I just can't get over this habit of working really late into the evening... or night... so I will follow up this post with the details I promise in the video. Interestingly, I found an alternative use for something something related to my next episode! But you'll just have to check back here later to find out what that is! G'night!