Part 2: Photography with Imre Z. Balint: Episode 7 - White Balance
Overall, I think that my video covered white balance (WB) quite well, and I don't have a whole lot more to add other than a couple of comments. First up are the flamingo photos toward the end of the video (starting around 6:12). Now if you look at the values below the photos and then examine the color casts, you might be thinking that something is wrong. The photo of the first flamingo at 3,500 K has a blue cast, but earlier in the video I showed that lower temperatures have a red to yellowish hue. Sames goes for the third pic at 9,000 K, where the image has a stronger red to yellowish hue, yet higher temperatures usually have a blue color cast. What's going on? The answer is that when I load my RAW file into Photoshop and adjust the WB setting, I'm TELLING the program that the scene has a particular color temperature, thus Photoshop accordingly tires to balance the colors. In other words, if I set the WB on a photo to 9,000 K then the program will assume that the ima...