My Album is Live! Artist: I Z B Album: Just Listen

A few years ago I created 14 songs and for a number of years I did nothing with them; they were merely stored on a backup drive, almost long forgotten and very silent.

So a few weeks ago I decided I might as well at least get them out there somehow, so after a little research I came upon a wonderful label called CD Baby. So I signed up, sent them my CD, and that was about it! Simple... I like simple! And just today I checked iTunes to see if by change my songs were available, and indeed they were! It's kind of freaky to see my music up there... and I actually sing on a couple... scary, I know. :P

But iTunes is not just the only place my album will be available. CD Baby is partnered with about a dozen other places like Napster and Amazon, so I expect my album will pop up in those places a week or two from now.

Anyway, check it out. Currently if you do a search in iTunes for the artist "I Z B" or the album "Just Listen", then you shall find it. As it crops up in other places, I'll post here as usual.

I will be famous... and hopefully with some rich thrown in! :)


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