Rebranding... Complete! And a Novel Update

Binary Graphite is no more. For quite a while I've been planning to make a change over to my name, and today was the day this was done. I'm sure I'll loose a few hits, but overall it'll be worth it. I've posted all of my updated links at the bottom of this, so that you can update your bookmarks or make notes on the changes where ever you keep them.

As for my sci-fi novel, it's coming along nicely. My backstory and character bible is nearly complete (especially the stars of the show), and some new additions have been made in regard to organizations and vessels. I'm glad I'm taking the time to plan this out as much as I am, for there is a lot to remember and I want to ensure I get the details right. These details have also spurred new ideas, which have added a few plot twists, among other details.

My scene list has grown to over 20 now, and what a wonderful tool this is. It's so easy to catch issues with the flow of the story, as this succinct timeline offers such a clear progression of how events unfold. And Excel makes it a snap to quickly rearrange the rows, and add columns for other details. I already had a few for the summary of the scene, POV, type of scene, and timeline, but I added another recently for action-objective to help clarify what exactly I want out of the scene. At the pace I'm going, I estimate I'll need another week or so before I venture into a new document to start actually writing the novel. No rush. It'll be my first, and I want to get this right.

And here are my updated sites for your info: - My website has not changed, but it did get a nice update. It also has a list of updated links in the contact section. - This blog. - My Tumblr blog, which is basically a mirror of this one. - My new Facebook page. I'll leave the old one there with a message that will redirect folks to this one. - Same Twitter, new name. - Same YouTube channel, new name.

My Flickr and LinkedIn pages already used my name, so they of course remain the same.


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