Part 2: Viewer Q & A - FL-50 Tutorial / Camera in Manual - Photography with Imre

Well I would say it's about time that I wrote up the supplemental blog post to this video! I've been a tad busy lately with "life" things, but luckily those things are calming down.

Now the Olympus FL-50 tutorial video was quite specific in that I fairly directly answered a viewer's question about using the FL-50R with the camera, an Olympus E-620, in manual mode and with the shooting done indoors. By the way, not a huge difference between the FL-50 and the FL-50R other than the "R" version has wireless and slave capabilities. Anyway, I have to admit that for what I thought would be a simple and quick video, really turned out to be a complex topic and a video length of almost eight minutes.

But I believe the point was well made that you can indeed use the flash in TTL Auto mode, even though the camera is in manual. Actually, this turns out to be quite a simple method where one can more or less concentrate on shooting without much fussing around with the flash. Since the camera and the flash unit can communicate with each other in this case, the camera's metering system can determine what power output the flash should be fired at for each photo taken. This is a great bonus because as a photographer moves around an area and changes his/her distance between the subject(s), as long as the flash is in range (along with reasonable exposure settings; i.e. the aperture is not so tiny as to require a burst of light beyond the power of the flash) the photos should turn out quite well.

As mentioned though, this doesn't always mean perfect exposures, so you may have to tinker a little with the light intensity setting to increase or reduce the power output. I personally believe this is easier than using the flash in manual mode, where you would certainly have to be aware of the power its set to and the flash to subject distance; not to mention if you make changes to the exposure (aperture, shutter speed, ISO) then you would have to take that into account. In environments where there is some action present, there might not be enough time for a photographer to quickly figure out what settings s/he needs.

In the future I'll very likely be doing more of these tutorial videos. Come to think of it, after I've completed the RAW vs. JPEG episode and the a redo of Aperture, I'll be creating a few shows on specific effects you can do with your camera, and those will pretty much take the form of tutorials. Alright, back to work on the next episode!


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