Writing is an Addiction - Fiction Novel Already in the Works

I'm having a blast writing. My book on how to make longboards is about 85% done. Most of the text is there, but I still need some images of decks being glued up, along with those that have a design. As you might guess, that means I actually need to build those decks. Good news is that I have three sanded down nicely, awaiting for their graphics to be applied. That's definitely easier said than done, but I'm hoping my brain will come up with something to adorn those boards. Then I can finally take a few more photos, and finish up that opus.

But being one of those people that can't seem to keep busy enough, I've already started on another project. I've always wanted to write a work of fiction, and have finally dug in. This is actually not the first time I've attempted writing one though... in fact, this is my third attempt.

Writing a strong work of fiction is by no means a simple feat. My first two attempts failed, as I simply lacked the knowledge required to write such a large body of work. And it wasn't necessarily a lack of knowledge in regard to English itself or grammar, but instead in how to approach a work of fiction. Alas, I was much younger at the time, and so it was easy for me to believe that I could simply start regurgitating text on a page, and eventually that mass would coalesce into a fantastic novel. How wrong I was?

Spring ahead about 15-20 years and here I am again, but this time armed with some insights and processes into the effort and planning required to successfully complete a fiction novel. I'm now hitting this up as if working on a project (think planning, milestones, deadlines, etc.). It also helped that I've read a couple of books on the topic, namely Writing Fiction for Dummies and How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method. There were also a couple of other books mentioned in the former, one of which is about writing strong dialogue, so I might pick those up sometime soon.

So where am I now? Well I'm encroaching on 2,000 words in a document where I'm filling out details on the story world (man it's fun to create star systems!), character bios, and plot related text such as the story line and synopsis. Currently the story world is the most thorough, and I have a version of the story line written that I'm fairly satisfied with (and it's only 17 words in length, yet I feel it encompasses the idea of the story). Perhaps once I've ventured in the first few chapters of the novel, I'll be brave enough to post it.


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